How many publications did Unimore researchers release in the 2015-2019 five-year period? And how many of these publications are open access?

2,500 publications in 2015-2019

Unimore reserahcres have published approximately 2,500 open access contributions, accounting for 18% of the total 14,000 publications.

the percentage of open access publications increase to around 25% when considering only journal contributions: they amount to 2,360 out of 9,500.

+75% OA publications in 2015-2019

The number of open access publications has increased by 75%, while the overall number of publications has increased by 12%.

in 2015, 378 open access publications (out of 2,619), in 2019 663 open access publications (out of 2,927).

useful links
» 2015-2019 | Analysis of publication costs @Unimore

Gold OA vs Hybrid OA 5 to 1

For every publication in hybrid open access there are 5 in gold (or diamond) open access.

the ratio between gold and hybrid publications steadily increases over the five years: in 2015 it is 3.6:1; in 2016, 4.4:1; nel 2017, 4.8:1; nel 2018, 4.7:1, nel 2019, 5.1:1.

Methodological note

The list of publications by Unimore authors for the five-year period was obtained by merging and integrating data from IRIS Unimore with Scopus/Scival data.

the open access attribute was assigned:

1. when the “OPEN ACCESS STATUS” is “GOLD” Or “HYBRID” (2115), in case of publications indexed by SCOPUS (10294) and the valuE is PRESENT (9199);

2. when the journal is indexed by DOAJ (224) as indicated IN IRIS, in cases of publications not indexed by SCOPUS (3583). in this case, the assigned open access attribute is “gold”.

OA | 2015-2019 | Open access publications @Unimore